- Osuga Y, Harada K, Yamauchi T, Kitaguchi T, Hirai-Yokota M, Matsumoto M, Tsuboi T.
Taurine promotes glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion in enteroendocrine L cells.
FEBS Letters, 2025, in press.
- Harada K, Wada E, Osuga Y, Shimizu K, Uenoyama R, Hirai-Yokota M, Maekawa F, Miyazaki M, Hayashi KY, Nakamura K, Tsuboi T.
Intestinal butyric acid-mediated disruption of gut hormone secretion and lipid metabolism in vasopressin receptor-deficient mice.
Molecular Metabolism, 91, 102072, 2025.
研究内容の詳細は、 こちらです。
- Nakamori T, Komatsuzawa I, Iwata U, Makita A, Kagaya G, Fujitani K, Kitaguchi T, Tsuboi T, Ohki-Hamazaki H.
Osteocrin and its receptor NPR3 are essential for memory consolidation process in early learning, as revealed by visual imprinting in chicks.
iScience, 27, 111195, 2024.
研究内容の詳細は、 こちらです。 - Nakamura T, Yoshihara T, Tanegashima C, Kadota M, Kobayashi Y, Honda K, Ishiwata M, Ueda J, Hara T, Nakanishi M, Takumi T, Itohara S, Kuraku S, Asano M, Kasahara T, Nakajima K, Tsuboi T, Takata A, Kato T.
Transcriptomic dysregulation and autistic-like behaviors in Kmt2c haploinsufficient mice rescued by an LSD1 inhibitor.
Molecular Psychiatry, 9, 2888-2904, 2024
研究内容の詳細は、 こちらです。
- Shibayama K, Nakajo H, Tanimoto Y, Kakinuma H, Shiraki T, Tsuboi T, Okamoto H.
The serotonergic neurons derived from rhombomere 2 are localized in the median raphe and project to the dorsal pallium in zebrafish.
Neuroscience Research 205, 27-33, 2024
- Horikoshi M, Harada K, Tsuno S, Kitaguchi T, Yokota-Hirai M, Matsumoto M, Terada S, Tsuboi T.
Distinct lactate metabolism between hepatocytes and myotubes revealed by live cell imaging with genetically encoded indicators.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 694, 149416, 2024
- Tsuno S, Harada K, Horikoshi M, Mita M, Kitaguchi T, Yokota-Hirai M, Matsumoto M, Tsuboi T.
Mitochondrial ATP concentration decreases immediately after glucose administration to glucose-deprived hepatocytes.
FEBS Open Bio, 14, 79-95, 2024
- Hiasa S, Fujimori T, Aiki S, Ueda H, Tsuboi T, Kitaguchi T.
Development of green fluorescent protein-based cAMP indicators for covering a wide range of cAMP concentrations.
RSC Advances 13, 15514, 2023
- Harada K, Takashima M, Kitaguchi T, Tsuboi T.
F-actin determines the time-dependent shift in docking dynamics of glucagon-like peptide-1 granules upon stimulation of secretion.
FEBS Letters 597, 657-671, 2023
- Takizawa M, Osuga Y, Ishida R, Mita M, Harada K, Ueda H, Kitaguchi T, Tsuboi T.
Development of a red fluorescent protein-based cGMP indicator applicable for live cell imaging.
Communications Biology 5, 833, 2022
[日本経済新聞] [OPTRONICS Online] - Shimizu K, Tanaka R, Iso M, Harada K, Tsuboi T, Kondo Y, Nakamura K
Relationship between infantile mother preference and neural regions activated by maternal contact in C57BL/6 mice.
Neuroscience Research, 178, 69-77, 2022.
- Osuga Y, Harada K, Tsuboi T.
Identification of a regulatory pathway of L-phenylalanine-induced GLP-1 secretion in the enteroendocrine L cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 588, 118-124, 2022.
- Mita M, Sugawara S, Harada K, Ito M, Takizawa M, Ishida K, Ueda H, Kitaguchi T, Tsuboi T.
Development of red genetically encoded biosensor for visualization of intracellular glucose dynamics.
Cell Chemical Biology, 29, 98-108.e4. 2022
[日本経済新聞] [株式会社マイオリッジ] [オプトロニクスオンライン]
- Nishioka M, Kazuno A, Nakamura T, Sakai N, Hayama T, Fujii K, Matsuo K, Komori A, Ishiwata M, Watanabe Y, Oka T, Matoba N, Kataoka M, Alkanaq AN, Hamanaka K, Tsuboi T, Sengoku T, Ogata K, Iwata N, Ikeda M, Matsumoto N, Kato T, Takata A.
Systematic analysis of exonic germline and postzygotic de novo mutations in bipolar disorder.
Nature Communications 12, 3750, 2021.
研究内容の詳細は、こちらをご覧ください - Nakamura T, Nakajima K, Kobayashi Y, Itohara S, Kasahara T, Tsuboi T, Kato T.
Functional and behavioral effects of de novo mutations in calcium-related genes in patients with bipolar disorder.
Human Molecular Genetics, 30, 1851-1862, 2021.
- Mita M, Wongso D, Ueda H, Tsuboi T, Kitaguchi T.
Development of a Single Fluorescent Protein-Based Green Glucose Indicator by Semirational Molecular Design and Molecular Evolution.
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2274, 89-100, 2021.
- Harada K, Chihara T, Hayasaka Y, Mita M, Takizawa M, Ishida K, Arai M, Tsuno S, Matsumoto M, Ishihara T, Ueda H, Kitaguchi T, Tsuboi T.
Green fluorescent protein-based lactate and pyruvate indicators suitable for biochemical assays and live cell imaging.
Scietific Reports, 10, 19562, 2020.
[UTokyoFOCUS] [協同乳業株式会社] [日本経済新聞] [産経新聞] [OPTRONICS ONLINE] [PR TIMES] [JA Com]
- Cherng BW, Islam T, Torigoe M, Tsuboi T, Okamoto H.
The Dorsal Lateral Habenula-Interpeduncular Nucleus Pathway Is Essential for Left-Right-Dependent Decision Making in Zebrafish.
Cell Reports, 32, 108143, 2020. - Nakajyo K, Chou MY, Kinoshita M, Appelbaum L, Shimazaki H, Tsuboi T, Okamoto H.
Hunger potentiates the habenular winner pathway for social conflict by orexin-promoted biased alternative splicing of the AMPA receptor gene.
Cell Reports, 31, 107790, 2020.
研究内容の詳細は、こちらをご覧ください - Nakamura T, Harada K, Kamiya T, Takizawa M, Kuppers J, Nakajima K, Gutschow
M, Kitaguchi T, Ohta K, Kato T, Tsuboi T.
Glutamine-induced signaling pathways via amino acid receptors in enteroendocrine L cell line.
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 64, 133-143, 2020.
研究内容の詳細は、こちらをご覧ください - Oe Y, Wang X, Patriarchi T, Konno A, Ozawa K, Yahagi K, Hirai H, Tsuboi T, Kitaguchi T, Tian L, McHugh TJ, Hirase H.
Distinct Temporal Integration of Noradrenaline Signaling by Astrocytic Second Messengers During Vigilance.
Nature Communications, 11, 471, 2020.
- Nakajyo K, Tsuboi T, Okamoto H.
The behavioral paradigm to induce repeated social defeats in zebrafish.
Neuroscience Research, 161, 24-32, 2020.
- Wang J, Sugita S, Michiue T, Tsuboi T, Kitaguchi T, Matsumoto T.
A novel FRET analysis method for tension dynamics in a single actin stress fiber: Application to MC3T3-E1 cells during movement on a substrate.
Journal of Biorheology 33, 21-26, 2019.
- Suo S, Harada K, Matsuda S, Kyo K, Wang M, Maruyama K, Awaji T, Tsuboi
Sexually dimorphic regulation of behavioral states by dopamine in Caenorhabditis elegans
Journal of Neuroscience, 39, 4668-4683, 2019
- Mita M, Ito M, Harada K, Sugawara I, Ueda H, Tsuboi T*, Kitaguchi T*
Green fluoresecent protein-based glucose indicators report glucose dynamics in living cells
Analytical Chemistry, 91, 4821-4830, 2019 * Co-corresponding author
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